Poultry meal I Blood meal I Poultry Fat I Feather Meal

Feather meal

The product obtained on a dedicated line after hydrolysis under pressure, drying and grinding of fresh feathers collected from slaughterhouses of poultry category 3.

Packaging: big bag of 1250 Kg

Storage : In a clean and dry greenhouses at ambient temperature

Shelf life : 06 months from date of manufacture

Poultry meal

Dehydrated protein obtained by transformation of by-products from
slaughterhouses of poultry category 3 except feathers and blood. The by-products are crushed, cooked, defattes by pressing in mechanical and the re-creshed and screened.

Packaging: big bag of 1250 Kg or 50 kg bag

Storage : In a clean and dry greenhouses at ambient temperature

Shelf life : 06 months from date of manufacture

Poultry fat

Fat obtained by transformation of by-products from slaughterhouses
of poultry on category 3 except feathers and blood. The co-products are cooked then pressed and filtered.

Packaging: ISO tank or Flexitank

Storage : In a Tank at ambient temperature

Shelf life : 06 months from date of manufacture

Blood meal

The product obtained by coagulation centrifugation and drying by vapor indirect on a line dedicated by fresh (cool) and whole blood resulting from the slaughterhouses of poultry category 3..

Packaging: big bag of 1250 kg

Storage : In a clean and dry greenhouses at ambient temperature

Shelf life : 06 months from date of manufacture